“Have fun with your choices.”
My friend Mark has spoken some wise words at key moments in my life over the course of the past year. The statement above is no exception. If anything is abundant in my present life, it is choice. In the wake of Dad’s death and the completion of my doctoral studies, I feel as if a door has opened to a broader world than the one I have known thus far. I have never felt so free.
Freedom is a funny thing. I am finding that the more I befriend myself and take the time to figure out what I want and where I want to be that I have an easier time cutting the fat from my life. When unexpected opportunities present themselves, I am finding that I feel ready to act. I am reminded of living in Nepal, where because of the political situation there I was ready to evacuate any of my three homes at a moment’s notice. When you never know whether you will be able to stay, you force yourself to embrace only the essentials. In the past year, I have found that the essentials in my life are ‘my’ people -- my family and friends – and my passions.
Several months ago, I asked the question in one of my blog entries, what happens when the fantasy becomes reality? A fantasy I held on to for 18 months has not only turned into reality, but has ended up being better than anything imaginable. In mid-January on the day of a new moon, a woman I have been interested in dating since I met her in August 2003 wrote to let me know she is no longer in the relationship she returned to shortly after we met. I responded and created some space in my life to give the two of us an opportunity to know each other. At the moment, we are 350 miles apart.
A few weeks ago, I received a job announcement from a friend that addresses a field of study about which I feel passionate and have been exploring during my free time, but has very little to do with the field in which I am presently working. The decision to apply for the job has triggered an evaluation of my career aspirations. Where do I want to be 10 years from now? How can I best use my training to serve the people of the world? How can I make the biggest difference? If I leap into a different field, which doors will close behind me? At this point nothing is irrevocable.
Having choices is wonderful. I am working on embracing the fun-factor.